Thursday, July 15, 2010

Robin Hood Festival

So here we are upon another Robin Hood Festival. This is a wonderful thing for our city, but once again has proven to be mis-managed by the city. They have decided to close the roads to parking some as early as Today at 8 AM. Now do not confuse my statements that I am against this festival as that would be completely untrue. What I am saying is that maybe the city would have the forethought to maybe figure a way to do this with little impact on the businesses of Sherwood. IN this economy business owners need as much time to run their business as possible. WHY oh WHY must the streets be closed down so early? The festival does not start until after 6 pm on Friday. What is the point of shutting down half of the meager parking as it is so early? Once again poor planning on the City's part and the heck with the businesses that are stuck. SHAME SHAME SHAME!!! From what I understand the businesses were not even asked, they were told by some gentleman and cute young girl that this is the way it is and sorry for your luck. City Manager you disgust me in your cavalier attitude toward the operation of this fair city. I am hoping that you will cross the line and finally get sued for the HORRIBLE way you mange this city. I wouldn't let you manage a Coffee stand let alone a city. RESIGN RESIGN RESIGN, before we finally catch you and you end up in jail for your actions. Remember we are watching and waiting... TA TA



  1. It's such ashame, that with a little mowing and forethought, the City's cannery property could have been utilized during this weekends RobinHood party. so thoughtless, to not consider using it.

  2. Another Robin Hood Festival has come and gone. The kids had fun, the adults had fun and for a few days we got to forget the bumbling city administration. Now we get to go back to the misfortunes of our City Manager and his gang of misfits. More on this later. Ta Ta


  3. After the poor City showing and mess that the Cannery project is producing the City is now making an Olive branch offering? OMG
    Received this notice,,

    "Good Afternoon,

    The first public hearing for the Code Clean Up project will be held on August 10, 2010 at City Hall. I have attached the notice for Phase I that will be posted around town at the five (5) conspicuous locations and online. You are receiving this notice because you are on the Code Clean Up interested parties list. If you have any questions please visit the code clean up web page ( ) or you can contact the Planning Department.

    Zoe Monahan

    Assistant Planner


    Seems like only a few received this notice.. Now we are supposed to act?
