Thursday, July 22, 2010

Handly St.

So it seems that the administrative policy from the leaders of our Police Dept and City.

A friend emailed me a link to your blog about Sherwood, and I thought maybe you would be interested in the letter I sent to the police yesterday (and later forwarded to The Gazette, City council members and the police chief). Fourteen years we have attempted to address this issue with the city and have gotten nowhere. My bet is that I hear back from no one.

Thanks for taking a look.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 5:36 PM
Subject: Handley Street

This last weekend, I was the witness to a rather severe car accident in front of my home on Handley Street. I was able to assist the three young ladies involved, and thankfully none were seriously injured. A fellow neighbor is an accident investigator and he estimated that the vehicle that 'T-boned' the other was traveling between 40-42 mph. The accident occurred approximately 50 feet from a stop sign. There were no skid marks and the driver did not hit her brakes.

Unfortunately, this is not the first accident on this road. My neighbors' dog was hit last summer, there have been several accidents involving parked cars, and I know of at least one 'hit and run'. I know that traffic surveys have been conducted, complaints have been made (myself included), but in all honesty, I have lived here for almost 14 years and the only 'resolution' provided up to this point is a stop sign near the new school. Every neighbor I have talked to on Handley is deeply concerned over the speeding on this road and the uptick in accidents. I am on the HOA board and there is no issue that 'brings people to the table' than the speeding on this street. Neighbors have taken to putting up their own 'slow down' signs, yelling at passing drivers, all seem to be in vain. I frequent Durham Road in Tigard and can attest that the flashing signage displaying the drivers' speed is very effective at slowing traffic.

As a neighborhood, what do we need to do to get additional stop signs installed, flashing lights, 'your speed is' signage or something to draw attention to this issue? When is enough enough? Does a child need to be injured before the issue is finally addressed? Is this an issue we need to bring to the attention of the City? If the issue is one of finances, how much would I have to pay personally to get additional signage installed?

Any assistance or direction you can provide would be appreciated.

Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Why not take the solar radar from main street and put it on Handly and see if it works be for the city shells out $7500.00
    Then If it does not work you are only out the concrete pad and some labor
