Monday, July 12, 2010

Conspiracy theory in Sherwood

Happy Wednesday all,

I received and e-mail last week asking some very hard questions about who really runs our city. They made an inquiry that it may be a certain church group. Well here is what I found in my research, The true leaders of our fair city, (not the City Council), are a mixed bunch of several groups. That means that to answer that person question, NO it is not one Church group running the show. It is being mismanaged by the City Manager, City Engineer, City Planner, and City Budget office. And to clarify I am not a member of the church group mentioned so this is a completely unbiased accounting.

There was also another letter about traffic control on Handley Street. It seems that it is a raceway and several accidents have happened. This person who emailed me about this is very concerned about the children or pedestrians getting hit or killed. They have sent letters to the CITY and the Chief of Police and yet no answer. Wow big surprise there. Well Chief and CITY of Sherwood, To knowingly ignore a complaint by a concerned citizen you are in essence stating it is ok, and should be ready to accept responsibility. I know how you feel, if you ignore it long enough it will either go away or fix itself. SHAME ON YOU!!!! If one child gets hurt because of your inaction to serve and protect, you should turn in your badge and hang your head in shame. How dare you City of Sherwood ignore a residents plea for help. Shame on you too!!!! Ta Ta


PS I will post the letter to the city later this week. You decide Sherwood! You have the power to make change. Time to make it.

1 comment:

  1. Conspiracy or Theory?

    Would you first have to make an assumption that those who might be conspiring are really capable?


    Could just by chance, and outside body or partner have lead or mastermined this plan, or this potential theory?

    Try this.. thatlawyers at Beery, Elsner & Hammond, LLP, thru the league of Oregon Cities have some sort of MASTER plan for controlling people, growth, land, and above all else enhancing their own wealth and power. Humm.. just a theory?
