Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Wow, I am again amazed at how our public officials can make a mockery of themselves. Please read the front page of the Sherwood Gazette and the article on AIRsoft guns. Click Here for the Story I really want to comment on this but the story does it better. I just have one question, please tell me the leadership at Sherwood PD is not so inept they called in a helicopter for a plastic gun that the trained eye should be able to tell the difference? This does NOT reflect on the patrolman but of the leaders, Chief that would be you!!! You too SGT's!!! If one of our patrolmen KILL a teen with an airsoft he/she will have to live with that for the rest of their lives and in the end it will fall on the leaders shoulders. Here is a quote from the article: "three Sherwood police officers, a Tualatin officer, two King City officers and a Washington County sheriff’s deputy headed toward the teen, a patrol car leading the way down the street followed by the officers who had shields, hand guns, beanbag weapons and rifles drawn". If this does not frighten you than the next quote should; “The mere fact of owning (an airsoft gun) is not a crime or against our city ordinance,” said Sherwood Police Sgt. Ty Hanlon. He added, however, that it is against the law to fire such a weapon within Sherwood city limits. Although the majority of Nick’s airsoft gun was transparent, police say they can’t take any chances in assuming it’s a toy gun, pointing out that more and more components of handguns are being constructed with clear polymer plastics".

OMG I decided to do some research on clear plastic polymers used in weapons, Doesn't exist although Glock does use black and dark gray they don't ever use clear for this very reason, and the fact that clear would always look dirty and give the weapon an unclean appearance. Later in this same this same SGT talks about the weight being nearly the same with and airsoft and a real MP5. Once again I chose to look this up, Wrong again, 2.5 lbs and H-K MP5 6.8 Nearly 3 times the weight.

This kind of fear and mis-information is going to get a kid killed. Are you all really serious that no less than 7 HEAVILY armed police officers could not even determine that a kid was not holding a real weapon? Was the red tip removed? Could they not see that it was clear? Now if this were an area that was known for gang activity or gun crime I would understand. Poor decision making and lack of proper training are going to create a tragedy that can be avoided. I fear for our officers as one of these days a real tragedy is going to happen. Our Patrol Officers deserve better leaders. Ta Ta


1 comment:

  1. Airsoft guns are exact replicas of real firearms, in most cases military weapons such as m16's. These guns which got their start in Asia have become popular in the U. S. And involve some sort of forced air firing mechanism.
