Thursday, June 17, 2010

Sherwood Broadband Part 2

Here is a list of questions and answers provided to me by one of our concerned citizens. My Commentary will be after each question with my name in front of it.

Questions (bold):
Quotes (Italic):

What companies? Demonstrate that this has "attracted businesses to Sherwood"
"50 public and private businesses"

ROBIN: The only companies Sherwood Broadband would help is the coffee shops and maybe the little restaurant that has changed owners a million times.

What is the math on this? 20Mb Comcast Business line is $200 per month 6 city facilities plus 6 School District (12x200x12=28,200).. also, as part of the Comcast franchise agreement Comcast is obligated to provide certain services as negotiated.
"SBB has saved the City of Sherwood’s general fund over $200k and provides $100k annually in combined savings to both the city and school district"

ROBIN: ROFL, You have got to be kidding me, This is the bill of goods shoved down our throats. The city Generates about 300k of the 1,500,000.00 it costs us annually. This must be magic math, you know the same kind as our Board of Education uses for graduation rates.

What is the benefit? How many Sherwood residents use this system on a daily, weekly, monthly basis. What is the utilization (bandwidth use) of the system? I have never used it.
"While Sherwood Broadband has contributed many benefits to the community it has come at a financial cost."

ROBIN: ie I get rich off this garbage deal and you get the shaft. OMG I cannot believe this.

Why? We have two alternate service providers who market these services actively (how many FIOS flyers do you get in one week).
"Promote broadband utilization within Sherwood, and stimulate Economic Development
through the use of broadband services."

ROBIN: How stupid are we to allow these morons to run our city?

The following is a brief from another concerned citizen and their questions they want answered. BTW these and many other questions have been asked by many folks and never answered. I guess we are not adult enough to handle the truth or they just plain don't know...

I cannot find anywhere (in any document), where the estimate was 10M, $200-300K is all. This is public record, they should provide proof. Besides, this is 10Years later.. fiber is now more ubiquitous.

"In early 2001 staff proposed a project called the Sherwood Community Access Network
System (SCANS). The scope of this project was to build a community network and deliver it to every home in Sherwood via fiber optic communications. The price of this project was estimated at the time at about $10 million."

Total revenue is 325k in "past performance for 2009-10" then drops to 203,500 in "projected performance for 2009-10"?? What does this mean? The numbers don't make any sense

What does this mean? Who are the partners? Are other entities making money on the infrastructure that was installed and paid for by Sherwood residents?
"Partnerships" “ Partnering with other Internet Service Providers has the greatest
opportunity for Sherwood Broadband to both increase utilization of the network as well as revenue. With the sales force these ISPs offer they have a much greater opportunity to sell service in Sherwood than what SBB could do on its own."

What is the benefit to Sherwood residents (tax payers)? How does this make Sherwood more livable? Prove it! What research? Again, there are already two service providers in Sherwood offering services.
"Sherwood Broadband, as with most utilities, provides community services beyond its pro forma and break even analysis that can be measured better in terms of "livability".
Considerable research has concluded that the presence of broadband services assists a community in attracting businesses, as well as making a community more attractive for its residents."

OK Folks it is time to rise up and push these idiots out. City of Sherwood you are warned!!! RESIGN RESIGN RESIGN, or you will be forced out in disgrace. Ta Ta



1 comment:

  1. According to Sheriff Notingham in the Budget Meeting, this Broadband is the number one reason that a Business would come to Sherwood!

    Are you kidding me...where in the Ethernet is he getting his wires crossed. Do they think if they put a bunch of bits and bytes of propaganda are out there that no one will figure it out? Take off that wireless headset Sheriff because its causing significant data load failures. Time to abort the job.
