Monday, June 28, 2010

open letter to the City Council

The following was sent by the writer of the letter. it was sent June 16th and yet no answer from the city. Big surprise there!! Their policy is to ignore any question that does not coincide with their agenda. And they have an agenda. But we will see if this generates any citizens concern. Hmmm Ta Ta



Good Morning Council,

I was shocked to hear that there was close to
$40k of staff time to supervise the Senior Center Parking Lot project and
$18k for architectural design from out side consultants.

It was a real EYE opener when Bob Galati
said it was normal for the Staff to add up 40% of the cost of the projects for there time. This certainly is not common in the private sector for

That is wrong in so many ways. What am I missing? That project is not complex and should not
require so much overhead cost.

Bob said that all projects were charged by the city the same
way. What a complete waste of tax dollars.

It was interesting that Bob could not provide a clear explanation
to Robin Folsom's question as to what exactly those additional Administrative
cost were. Oh do a little side step!!!! .

This is definitely something that the public should
be made aware of since it IS our tax dollars being spent!

You are in charge off this process!

You have the power to change it!

Now the ball is in your court!


Truly unbelievable.


  1. Oh so typical of Sherwood...

    It is time for change..

    Accountability, and repayment of misapproapraited funds.

  2. I sent a letter too. It was of an entirely different nature. I was actually complimenting the Mayor and Council on something they had done. Still, I got nothing back. If you send a letter of any kind to an official at any other level of government, you always get something back. But you get nothing so much as a computer generated email from the City of Sherwood. That is very discouraging to a democratic society!

  3. Clyde has no idea what Robin Hood is talking about in his Open Letter to the City of Sherwood. Oh well. Who cares? What Clyde likes is the ending, where Robin Hood says: "You [in other words: you, the unpaid, elected, volunteer, hard working, trying hard to keep up with the whirlwind of information that is coming in from all directions every minute of the day] are in charge of this process! You have the power to change it! Now the ball is in your court!" Clyde Ray List likes that statement. That is exactly what Clyde Ray List would have said if only he had the breath left in him in his old age. Very good. Well said.

  4. FYI that letter was not written by me!!! it was forwarded from the writer and asked to be published by me. That is all. It is said in the very first paragraph.


  5. Hak-caff! Sorry. I'm starting all over and I'm alright now. I took a deep breath of good clean Sherwood air and I counted to eleven. I didn't mean to be impolite with my comment. Nevertheless, it's hard to breathe (let alone to be civil) at "Life in Sherwood" with all the smoke that gets blown in your face when you make an entry! Cough! COUGH! Sorry! That's not a political comment in any way! Believe me it's not. (Actually, it is. Oh well.)

  6. Can anyone imagine what this "Life in Sherwood" crew would be like if THEY were the City Council!? Nothing but obfuscation and endless denials coming from every direction! Lord!

  7. Clyde I liked your comment I just didn't want you to be misled into thinking that letter was from me. As for smoke and denials I think not, We are asking for transparency and accountability. Nothing more, this blog is a culmination of frustration that has manifested over several years of bad management and back office deals. you may not have seen this but it is going on every day. you may not agree with everything but you cannot sit there and tell me that you disagree either. Life in Sherwood is my blog and is here for a purpose. you say that I don't print anything positive, well that is true. When something positive can be talked about it will be, but first we need to fix the leaky faucet in our city.


  8. It is truly unbelieveable that our tax dollars are wasted in this manner. If folks in our community really knew what was going on, they would be outraged!

    There is absolutely no justification for adding additional costs to projects and then saying that it is standard practice. IT IS NOT and its fiscally irresponsible to do so given the current economic situation the State of Oregon currently faces. In the real world of private industry this is not the norm for sure.

    How is it that the City of Sherwood has this unlimited budget and is able to give raises to staff and supplement projects when all the other surrounding cities like Tigard, Tualatin, Beaverton, and Wilsonville are having to take furlow days, freeze pay increases, and reduce operating costs? This makes no sense at all...just wait until our citizens realize what is going on here!

  9. Very interesting that a couple of the Council Members challenged Sherrif Nottingham to come up with a reduction in City spending totalling $300K, but nothing can be cut. They always say that all services are essential and nothing can be cut. And in response to possibly considering an increase to raising the City employees health insurance deductible from $50 to $100 or $250 as a way to achieve cost savings...well lets just say that Sheriff Nottingham was quick to pull out the handy dandy union contract card and remind us that it would take a long time to consider this option. WHATEVER! Can you believe a $50 insurance deductible for our hallowed City employees...what planet do they live on?!

  10. Cheers to the person who sent the Open Letter to the City...about time these issues are published since the City seems to conveniently loose the tapes and recordings of meetings and testimony just vanishes. What are they paying the IT staff to do anyway?!

    The great thing about this BLOG and what Robin is sharing as well as others, is that the City cannot control the message here. This is completely out of their reach and absolutely protected by the Constitution. Keep up the good work and revealing the City for what they really are.

  11. SO there I was heading off to the mailbox awaiting just another water bill for the City and there is the SHERWOOD GAZETTE sitting there, Now mind you the Gazette and all it's fluff ad smoke blowing around, what is that I see on the front page but the Sheriff of Nottingham himself. Ok I won't ruin it for you, but I shall comment on the blog because I am just flabbergasted at the huevo's this character has.


  12. Not only did the deductible change, but they are now required to pay a part of the premium, basically amounts to a pay cut, to bad they couldn't just share the $17000 raise gotten by others, to offset this cost.

  13. CLYDE, YOU are or at the very least, was part of the problem, many moon's ago.You may still be part of the problem, if you were able to see that unless your full, factual, truthfull wanting to make a positive difference, you are for more lies, cheating and same olde City smoke,mirrors and lies. Allowing the commission to pass on projects, PUD's and sub-divisions that have all come to bite us in repairs, repays, and redo's, not alone the alarming rise in City staffing, school costs, and maintance required because of said poor planning.

    It's time we who do care, can and do make a difference

  14. Hi Sandy. I learned a long time ago to be careful of the way you always turn out to be a lot smarter than the dim bulb you pretend to be.

  15. Happyroman, you old bugger! Ever since those days when I was Chairman of the Sherwood Planning Commission, you have been my worst enemy. That is true. You are the sore tooth that just won't go away, no matter how hard I gnash you, you just keep getting worse.

  16. Like that time when I was experiencing car trouble. My aged mother was alone in the car and the car would not start, and you came out and fixed the problem by making a simple adjustment to the ground wire (or some damn thing. I still don't understand what you did!) and sent us both merrily on our way. I will never forget that incident, Mr. Roman-whatchimaycallit.

    Gawd! How embarrassing that was!

  17. And what may I ask does this have anything to do with my Blog?
