Saturday, May 29, 2010

Sherwood School District

So it seems the Sherwood School District is in shambles, We are good to 5th grade but after that we fail out students miserably! LOOK HERE! That is the link to the results of our district in the Federal Governments eye. It seems that LRMS has not been added as it was only opened this year, but i ma sure it will follow with SMS as most of the kids came from there. Both the high school and the Middle school have the distinction of "Repeatedly missed targets, on "troubled" list".Holy crap does this not alarm anyone? Wow in fact if you go back and look at all the districts in the Greater Portland Metro area, they all suck!Oh I know Measure 67 will fix it. What a laugh, did anyone bother to actually read the bill? bet you didn't! the money that was campaigned for the kids goes into the general fund and like our fair city you know what happens then right? new furniture, more State jobs and maybe a small pittance to our kids. So now you think what to do next right? maybe private school? Think again, our largest private school, ST. Francis, was treated so badly by our leaders in the city it is a shame. They have been trying to get a school gym built for 3 years and our inferior leaders stonewalled them til they could figure out how to get the most money out of them for their project. So again our extortion artist leaders will always put their needs above those of our children, and yet no outrage. No wonder they get away with this, YOU LET THEM BY NOT STANDING UP! Ta Ta


1 comment:

  1. Hear, Hear!! I have told friends and even acquaintances, that when look to buy a home, they shoudl not pay attention to how good the elementary education is. Instead, look to the Highschool. When a Highschool class starts their freshman year with almost 300 students, and at the end of four years, has only almost 200 students, there is something wrong. It isn't that these students weren't graduating, they were just GONE. Smart parents that saw the writing on the wall perhaps???
