Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Extra! Extra! Read all about it!!! Sherwood Gazette

Wow so for the heck of it i just checked to see if the Sherwood Gazette moved to the 21st century and got on the World Wide Web, and lo and behold there it was in all it;s glory. http://www.sherwoodgazette.com/news/index.php Now i would have thought that they would have everything up but alas no that is not the case. The opinion area is blank. Wait for the surprise.......dang no surprise there. In fact the only garbage on the web is fluff stories on how wonderful Sherwood is. So much for free press and the truth. I am sure it is because they don't want the search engines to pick up anything negative and make it easy to find. DO you think we would be the 18th most desirable city or Family Circle's top 10 if anybody knew what really went on here? I think not! Folks are screaming about a sign on 99w that makes you think. Wow has anyone ever read the First amendment? And staying on that topic how about the Sheriff of Nottingham trying to figure out a way to get that sign removed by saying it is not being used for the intended purpose of the permit granted? Too bad if you don't like it don't look. if it has a negative message than maybe we should fix what is broken instead of sticking our heads in the sand? Our new city Motto should be; "Welcome to Sherwood where Nepotism runs wild and if you don;t agree with what the dirty dozen at city hall says keep your mouth shut and pay your fees" Wow now that is a mouth full. Ta Ta.



  1. Robin...your blog is great! Please keep adding, there is so much information we need to get out there about what our City Leadership is doing to us.

  2. Well Thank you Trinity. Please let all your friends know. I have an e-mail if there is something you want me to look into.


  3. Yes...I will take your email and forward the issues.
