Greetings all, Wow does anyone remember that play that caused such a ruckus 2 years ago? You remember the one that Caused a teacher to leave her job? Forced out is more like it, or the Principal who nixed it because the Board told her too? And then she left her job for personal reasons? Yeah right, she left because the board and city told her to or she would lose her pension or some garbage like that. Well guess what fellow residents of Sherwood, sit down her it comes..... A middle school in Connecticut is going to put on the play at their school. OMG! the outrage! Our students apparently were not mature enough to handle it but hey those folks on the East Coast are for more advanced than our own youth? Hogwash, we don't give enough credit to our own children. We had to put the play on in Portland far away from our quaint little hollow so as not to offend the 3-5 folks who threw a bloody hissy fit about the mature nature of the play. Wow so now the voice of the minority shall rule the majority. We lost 1 beloved educator, (Ms. Brown) and probably the best principal SMS had ever seen (Ms Pitioni) and who gets the short end of the stick? Our children do! Now this runs into what I was talking about earlier this week about Dr. Jamison the former Grand Poohbah of our school system, and his tactics toward education. His tenure ended in shame and regret as it was reported last year that they skewed the numbers of our graduation rate from SHS, and the pressure he put on his people to nix that heathen too adult for prime time play. Follow this link to see the story Yes that's right the Sherwood Gazette got something right. Wow must of really hurt to do that. Folks, teachers are hard to find, good teachers are really hard to find, and now we get embarrassed by some middle school in podunk CT. to put on a play that we couldn't let our kids see? You may not agree with me on this but it's not your blog so live with it. I am very angry that we are willing to stick our kids heads in the sand to protect them from the big bad world. If you have a middle school kid ask them tonight what is the preamble to the Declaration of Independence? Do not be surprised if they stare back at you like your nuts. Just another thing the City does to kill your freedoms, and control your lives. We can either let them rule from their Ivory tower or we can make the account for their actions. Your choice!!!! Ta Ta
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