Saturday, May 29, 2010

Sherwood School District

So it seems the Sherwood School District is in shambles, We are good to 5th grade but after that we fail out students miserably! LOOK HERE! That is the link to the results of our district in the Federal Governments eye. It seems that LRMS has not been added as it was only opened this year, but i ma sure it will follow with SMS as most of the kids came from there. Both the high school and the Middle school have the distinction of "Repeatedly missed targets, on "troubled" list".Holy crap does this not alarm anyone? Wow in fact if you go back and look at all the districts in the Greater Portland Metro area, they all suck!Oh I know Measure 67 will fix it. What a laugh, did anyone bother to actually read the bill? bet you didn't! the money that was campaigned for the kids goes into the general fund and like our fair city you know what happens then right? new furniture, more State jobs and maybe a small pittance to our kids. So now you think what to do next right? maybe private school? Think again, our largest private school, ST. Francis, was treated so badly by our leaders in the city it is a shame. They have been trying to get a school gym built for 3 years and our inferior leaders stonewalled them til they could figure out how to get the most money out of them for their project. So again our extortion artist leaders will always put their needs above those of our children, and yet no outrage. No wonder they get away with this, YOU LET THEM BY NOT STANDING UP! Ta Ta


Friday, May 28, 2010

Memorial day Weekend

SO no real rant today as we enter a most somber weekend. I ask that although our City DOES NOT support our Military that you take a moment to reflect on the freedoms that these brave people have died for. Our city proved that they didn't support the military when they entered into that un-American situation with the former chief. I will not get into it you can look it up yourself, I just remind you that when they did that they did so in our name!! I think of a saying that describes it to a tee; Patterson knew as Shutlz flew!!! Nuff said. Next week I am going to cover a couple of things, 1. Making the city accountable 2. The Chamber of Commerce, 3. parking in Old Town, 4. Part 2 of the Cannery debacle. Till then Ta Ta... I am watching


Thursday, May 27, 2010

Didn't take long!!!

So it didn't take long for the attempts to find out who I am would start. City of Sherwood I will give you a hint...... Ready.... I am on your Free Broadband LOL. I will say that I must be really hitting you hard, as you tried to access my IP address. LOL good luck as it goes through your proxy server and points right back to you. Well that didn't work so someone actually tried to submit this blog as an abuse, and well that didn't work either. Freedom of speech!!! I leave you with a quote from Thomas Jefferson.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. ... God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion; what country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms." -- Thomas Jefferson to William Stephens Smith, 1787

BTW Chief, your need to carry a gun has nothing to do with some far off place in Arkansas or Alabama, It has to do more with your bosses knowing that folks are not happy and they have no clue how to fix it. It is simple, RESIGN RESIGN RESIGN!!!!

Play it again Sam

Greetings all, Wow does anyone remember that play that caused such a ruckus 2 years ago? You remember the one that Caused a teacher to leave her job? Forced out is more like it, or the Principal who nixed it because the Board told her too? And then she left her job for personal reasons? Yeah right, she left because the board and city told her to or she would lose her pension or some garbage like that. Well guess what fellow residents of Sherwood, sit down her it comes..... A middle school in Connecticut is going to put on the play at their school. OMG! the outrage! Our students apparently were not mature enough to handle it but hey those folks on the East Coast are for more advanced than our own youth? Hogwash, we don't give enough credit to our own children. We had to put the play on in Portland far away from our quaint little hollow so as not to offend the 3-5 folks who threw a bloody hissy fit about the mature nature of the play. Wow so now the voice of the minority shall rule the majority. We lost 1 beloved educator, (Ms. Brown) and probably the best principal SMS had ever seen (Ms Pitioni) and who gets the short end of the stick? Our children do! Now this runs into what I was talking about earlier this week about Dr. Jamison the former Grand Poohbah of our school system, and his tactics toward education. His tenure ended in shame and regret as it was reported last year that they skewed the numbers of our graduation rate from SHS, and the pressure he put on his people to nix that heathen too adult for prime time play. Follow this link to see the story Yes that's right the Sherwood Gazette got something right. Wow must of really hurt to do that. Folks, teachers are hard to find, good teachers are really hard to find, and now we get embarrassed by some middle school in podunk CT. to put on a play that we couldn't let our kids see? You may not agree with me on this but it's not your blog so live with it. I am very angry that we are willing to stick our kids heads in the sand to protect them from the big bad world. If you have a middle school kid ask them tonight what is the preamble to the Declaration of Independence? Do not be surprised if they stare back at you like your nuts. Just another thing the City does to kill your freedoms, and control your lives. We can either let them rule from their Ivory tower or we can make the account for their actions. Your choice!!!! Ta Ta


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Cannery Project Part One

WOW, I sat here all day pondering this pet project and it may take more than one posting to get through all the red tape involved in this. Not to mention the back room handshaking going on to see how much money we can give the friends of the Sheriff Of Nottingham! First we all know that this has been a pet project of one of our seasoned citizens who been very vocal about our cities idiotic decisions. Although I am personally for the center I don't think with the economy as it is and the state of the city as it is, it is probably not a great idea right now. Now if we have free money from the Fed or State for this construction and not on the backs of our already over-burdened tax payers then I am all for it. As for the proposed business spaces and apartments that are planned, I have one question DID THE RESIDENTS VOTE ON THIS!!!! or did the Sheriff and his cronies just decide for us? Why are we going to build business and storefronts when 30% of Sherwood retail spaces are vacant? Why did we make a back office deal with Capstone giving them tons of money for nothing until it is full or close to being full. Oh and one more thing, Why are they not even listening to the committee's recommendations? One of the members got so frustrated they even wrote into the Gazette and said SHAME ON YOU! Well said!!! Can our schools handle the new children? can Old Town handle the traffic and parking? Just one little thing to think about, say they build 100 units, and it is full with 150 adults and 150 children, (conservative numbers) and 3/4 of them go to work outside of Sherwood. What is that going to do to the traffic heading toward 99W through 1 3way stop and one 4 way stop and 3 traffic lights? Oh and the only way out are 2 lanes roads full of kids going to the 2 public schools? Wait I have it they are going to put all of Shurwood's Finest in those zones to rite speeding tickets in the school zones to pay for the empty retail they just built and can't lease. Even Trump wouldn't invest in this. Wow my head is swimming with the endless possibilities. Think about it. Ta Ta for now


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Extra! Extra! Read all about it!!! Sherwood Gazette

Wow so for the heck of it i just checked to see if the Sherwood Gazette moved to the 21st century and got on the World Wide Web, and lo and behold there it was in all it;s glory. Now i would have thought that they would have everything up but alas no that is not the case. The opinion area is blank. Wait for the surprise.......dang no surprise there. In fact the only garbage on the web is fluff stories on how wonderful Sherwood is. So much for free press and the truth. I am sure it is because they don't want the search engines to pick up anything negative and make it easy to find. DO you think we would be the 18th most desirable city or Family Circle's top 10 if anybody knew what really went on here? I think not! Folks are screaming about a sign on 99w that makes you think. Wow has anyone ever read the First amendment? And staying on that topic how about the Sheriff of Nottingham trying to figure out a way to get that sign removed by saying it is not being used for the intended purpose of the permit granted? Too bad if you don't like it don't look. if it has a negative message than maybe we should fix what is broken instead of sticking our heads in the sand? Our new city Motto should be; "Welcome to Sherwood where Nepotism runs wild and if you don;t agree with what the dirty dozen at city hall says keep your mouth shut and pay your fees" Wow now that is a mouth full. Ta Ta.


Sherwood Broadband

SO as promised i sit here pondering the whole Sherwood Broadband and how it came to be. Although it is a nice idea, as the City of Portland found out very impractical and costly to run. My question is; how does a former City Council member and an employee of the city start a company to provide Sherwood Broadband for 1.5 mil a year? Does the term Conflict of Interest mean anything? How about the fact that we only generated 300k or so and the taxpayers had to foot the rest of the bill! So let's say for arguments sake that we only lost 1 million, Here is an example of what 1 million buys for us: 2 BRAND NEW Police cars(150k ea and not out of the bargain bin at Walmart, 14 more teachers (50k including benefits) Our classrooms are overcrowded and 14 teachers would help. 25 kids per classroom is good but allowing for expansion is better. Wow foresight might be asking a lot of our trusted leaders. Since they did not do that with the 298 new condos built on 99W and now the brand new school is overcrowded and not enough books or supplies to go around. That one was from our former Superintendent of schools with his PHD couldn't even do simple math. But that is a whole other thing to ponder later. And yet they ask for more. 17 million dollar budget for a city of 16k. Wow that equals $1062.50 per resident. That includes every single resident for a newborn to our Seasoned citizens. Are you people NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And wait we gave the Sheriff of Nottingham (City Manager a raise)!! Well enough of this for today as my blood pressure grows to insufferable heights. Ta Ta.


Monday, May 24, 2010


So here we are on Monday morning and yet another Sherwood Police car is wrecked. Thank god the officer was not hurt. Another one of our fine examples of driving here in Oregon ran a red light and plowed into one of our officers. Now I know why the city decided to buy "USED" Police cars instead of new ones. Wow we save some money!!!! But the wrong way as far as I am concerned. Police need new, good working, Long Lasting cars and motorcycles rather than shopping the bargain bin. I have seen the motorcycle officer ride on tires he would ticket folks for having. Our fleet is old and tired. We can hire a Superintendent of Schools for 139K plus benefits but we can't even afford good tires or new Police cars. In fact the only thing new for Our Men and Women in blue is a golf cart we paid 16K for and in used by the code enforcer about 25% of the time and stays parked the rest for the time. Yay more responsible spending by our elite city council and Manager. I am so tired of looking at my water bill, seeing all those idiotic fees and wonder, Do we need a cultural Arts Center? Or maybe some new equipment for our Police. Something to ponder while you drink your coffee in the morning. Well enough for today but stay tuned for the next installment "Sherwood Broadband" Was it really needed or did the owner need 1.5 mil a year out of our pockets. Ta Ta


Saturday, May 22, 2010

Water Bills

SO is it just me but if you have more fees than water usage you have a system run wild? Welcome to Sherwood where the Water billing software was sold to the city by the former City Manager and BTW it didn't work very well and had tons of problems. Hmmmmmm interesting. Or a well that was dug to help the water woes of our fair haven west of Portland did not have an environmental assessment done or it it was it was done on the dashboard of someones truck, this same said assessment would have show that the drain would have hurt the farmers down the way. But no we built it and they sued and now we can;t use it. What a waste of taxpayer money (millions). and who is in the middle of this fiasco you ask? Well not only the former city manager but also the replacement (didn't even interview for the job) but also include the city engineer (who at best can sharpen a pencil real well but nothing else). Yikes just think these are the folks we entrusted to look out for us and spend our tax dollars wisely. Stay tuned for more...

Robin :)

First day

So here we are on our first day blogging and wondering where to start. I guess the best place to start is the beginning and why this is even here. I live in Sherwood and it is a wonderful place to live in, however the city government is trying it's hardest to make life suck here. Over the next few days I will go into more detail of the almost blatant and downright illegal garbage that is allowed to go on in this fair city. Here are the cast of characters; Robin Hood (me) The Sheriff of Nottingham (City Manager) Bishop of Hereford(Mayor) and the insufferable sheep (council) also appearing are Little John (could be the former Police Chief and maybe not) and Friar Tuck (unnamed to protect the innocent). Here you will find the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth. And we will talk about the hard questions that never seem to be answered. So now you met the cast of characters on with the show!!!!