Wednesday, June 1, 2011

OMG Water rates to increase!!!

First off I am returning for at least a little while. I stopped blogging because no one really cared about what was happening so what was the point. I had turned into a very angry self absorbed person and needed a change for a while.

Today's rant comes directly from the city of Sherwood. In your mailbox is the newest Sherwood Archer. Buried in the fold for those who scan the front and back and then pitch it where it belongs should take a look. Located right in the middle of the fold is none other than.... Council approves to raise water fees!!!! Holy waste batman!! Now you need to read it carefully, "water use increases will roll out in 2 small steps, starting July 1st monthly water rates will increase 7.5%". Jan 2012 will be the second step of 4%. That is a total of 11.5%. Now we already have the most expensive water int he state and now the city wants more!!! They later go on to say that you can control part of your bill through conservation. Most home here in Sherwood are already using the bare minimum of water. We already pay more in fees than we use water. I will be checking the City Council site to see who voted yay for this increase and make it my personal mission to get them out of there. The people cannot take much more of this. Jim Patterson you need to go, Keith Mays you need to go. Personally I would dump all of you on the City Council except our newest elected Mrs Clark. you folks slapped her in the face when you put your secretaries husband, Mr. Luman in instead of Del Clark's widow. Shame on you all. I watched the video and 2 nays from Ms Folsum and Ms Henderson, but no rebuttal from either. No discussion you just let the Mayor and the puppet master have their way with you. Folks it is time for the people to say they have had enough. make these so called servants of the public accountable. You sent one message when Krisanna Clark won her election, now lets take out the trash. In your service....


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I got published on the Sherwood Gazette website

Friday, January 28, 2011

Criminal Behavior in Sherwood

Where is the outrage!!!!!!!! Dave Luman is appointed to Del's vacant seat over Krisanna Clark? Does anyone else see that this is pure favoritism at it's best? It is bad enough that Dave Luman sold Sherwood out with Sherwood Broadband, oh yeah he recused himself from the vote. Or maybe that his wife, also a city employee, has any influence as she works directly for the mayor and city manager? If you are not angry at this then you must be an absolute idiot. Robyn Folsum and Linda Henderson both voted nay to this appointment of the crook who steals from us. no we have a full house of crooks, Mr Luman must have spent all his money and wants another dip into our tax money. Shame on you mayor, but it is not all your fault. You were elected and therefore shame on everyone who voted for you. Nepotism is a wonderful thing. Too bad it will kill this beautiful city. Ms Folsum, Ms Henderson, although you voted against this appointment where is your outrage? How come your not talking to the press about this? Shame on you too!!

We are watching


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Dale Smith vs State Of Oregon

Folks I have been gone for a while but I just could not let this go. It seems the State is so desperate for money that they have closed down a fixture in our fair city because he hasn't paid his barbers license since 2004. This is a pure travesty of justice. Dale has been a barber in this town for more than 50 years, Hell he has cut the hair of every Police Chief, City Manager and god knows how many of our young lads got their first cut from him. He has more history on the wall of his shop than the field house. Now get this Dale is 80 yrs young, the state says he can go back to school and then re certify as a barber. This could take 18 months to do. Wow I am willing to bet that he has been a barber since before the state even had licenses. Now you all know my opinion of our City Government, I wonder if they can even speak out about this? Doubtful. Lastly I want to ask everyone to call the state and tell them your not happy. Call the city and tell them too. SHAME ON YOU OREGON!!!! This man is a veteran and a friend. We are watching!!!!!!
