So today I was walking in old town and lo and behold they are tearing up the street. Now that is a good thing and a bad thing. The good part is that they are fixing the sewers on Washington St. At least when I look at my water bill I can be happy that those fees went to something constructive. I also noted that they are tearing up our million dollar granite blocks that were breaking apart from the first 30 days they were installed. They look nice but the design was flawed from the beginning. Just ask em and they will tell you. So ok we are working to make our city look better, I can agree with that. Then the guy who was doing the replacement tells another guy that it really doesn't make any difference as the city plans to tear them up next year!!! Holy Cow!!! So we the tax payers are paying for these repairs again on a design that was flawed from the beginning only to have it torn up next year and replaced by the right kind of materials? Can anyone explain the logic on this adventure in wasteful spending? Oh yeah and one more thing, hold on your gonna love this.... better sit down though... it was OUR city architect who designed this flawed project and held the contractor to the inferior materials used...... Even though the contractor told the city that is was the wrong materials. This fiasco was brought to you by the same people that are still running our city and want to tell the contractor how to build the cannery project. Enough is enough! go to the city council meetings and tell them you have had enough!!! One more thing Mr Patterson (yes i am using your name) your time is limited here, we are watching and waiting for you to make a big mistake and then you are gonna be gone. Your and all your cohorts need to go. I am sure when you read this you will laugh but I remind you of one thing, If you or anyone of your employees mis-appropriated 1 dollar of federal money you are going to jail. I heard a vicious rumor that the federal government is very interested in your dealings with their money. If I were you I would resign now and run like your predecessor did. Ta Ta.... We are watching
Thank you for returning and bloggin to help Sherwood.. The Dog / lease ordinance seemingly appears to be another attempt to raise more revenue by our revenuers verses a real public safety issue.. Have rules in place currently, but they seeminly want to make more and look inpotent.
ReplyDeleteIt seems that rather than get their spending under control they would rather impose more fees on the already overtaxed people of Sherwood. They (city) don't even hide that fact. Look at the red light camera deal, They came right out and said it is for income generation first, then public safety. This dog/lease/license thing is already on the counties books, They are simply putting on their local ordinance so the city can get the money and not the county. They should be ashamed of themselves. Simple answer vote out anyone who is in support of this and all the other ideas, Fire the city manager, and lets start over. They should make an ad campaign to say that these fees are good for our schools and it will pass like Measure 66 and 67 did at the state level. I wonder how much from those initiatives will really go to the schools and how much to PERS and all the other bad ideas. Hmmmm something to ponder. Ta Ta
ReplyDeleteOH one more thing, I wonder if they will have another recording glitch from last nights meeting.